Field research in the Philippines in the context of the research project “De-Kinning and Re-kinning? Estrangement, Divorce, Adoption and the Transformation of Kin Networks” (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea in the context of a research project on International capital and local inequality: A longitudinal ethnography of the Wampar under the impact of a copper-gold mine and a timber biomass energy plant (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)

Guest professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vienna

2016 – 2021
Joint headship – with Prof. Dr. Martina Caroni and Prof. Dr. Stephanie Klein – of the University Research Priority group "Family Change in the Context of Migration and Globalisation" at the University of Lucerne

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea in the context of a research project on International capital and local inequality: A longitudinal ethnography of the Wampar under the impact of a copper-gold mine and a timber biomass energy plant (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)

Co-editor of "Sociologus. Journal for Social Anthropology"

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea on mining and social transformations

2011 – 2014
Leibniz-Chair at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT, Bremen)

2011 – 2012
Member of the ZiF research group "The Cultural Constitution of Causal Cognition. Re-Integrating Anthropology into the Cognitive Sciences", Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University

Field research in the Philippines, focusing on the use of Social Network Sites and among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea on interethnic relations and transcultural kinship (funded by the Swiss National Sience Foundation)

Professor of Socio-Cultural Anthropology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Professor of Anthropology, Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Heidelberg

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea, focusing on a) interethnic relations and b) the senses in their cultural context (funded by the German Research Foundation)

2002 – 2005
Heisenbergstipendium, Fellowship of the German Research Foundation

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea and in The Philippines (Bohol, Zentral-Central Visayas) (funded by the German Research Foundation)

Fellowship of the Maecenia Foundation (Frankfurt), for a Study of Women researchers in German Anthropology

Visiting lecturer, Cultural Studies, University of Lüneburg

Habilitation at University of Hamburg; Thesis Concepts of the body in interethnic relations and theories of race

Field research among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea and in The Philippines (Bohol, Central Visayas) (funded by the German Research Foundation)

Field research in Loay, Bohol (The Philippines); filming & photography of Easter celebrations

1998 – 2000
Habilitation stipend from the German Research Foundation for the project: "Physical differences in interethnic relations and their meaning for theories of race."

Prize 1997 of the Hamburg Science Foundation (Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung)

Field research in The Philippines (Bohol, Central Visayas) on: "The Ati: Interethnic relations and survival strategies among an ethnic minority;" and among the Wampar of Papua New Guinea (funded by the German Research Foundation)

1996 – 1998
Postdoctoral Fellowship from the German Research Foundation

Field research in The Philippines (Grant from the Hamburg Science Foundation)

Ph.D in Anthropology, University of Hamburg; Thesis: German-Philippines marriages; matrimony and the migration of women.

Field research in The Philippines on interethnic marriage and migration (Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD)

1993 – 1995
Doctoral Stipend from University of Hamburg

1992 – 1996
Research on marriage migration in the Philippine community in Hamburg

Masters Thesis: Anthropological work on interethnic marriage in pre-industrial societies.

1986 – 1992
Studies in Anthropology, Spanish & Folklore, University of Hamburg

Born in Frankfurt- am- Main, Germany

Membership of Learned Societies and Editorial Boards

Editorial board of "Paideuma. Zeitschrift für Kulturkunde"

Scientific committee of the SEG (Swiss Ethnological Society)
Editorial board of "Asia Pacific Anthropology"

Co-editor of "Sociologus", member of the editorial board since 2006

2011 – 2012
ZiF Research Group "The Cultural Constitution of Causal Cognition", Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Universität Bielefeld.

Editorial board of “Methoden-Lexikon für die Sozialwissenschaft”. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften Wiesbaden

2009 – 2014
Board of the SEG (Swiss Ethnological Society)

2004 – 2008
Research group, "Borders and crossings" of the Young Academy of the the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities/The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

2003 – 2008
Member of The Young Academy of the the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities/The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Junge Akademie der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina)

AAA (American Anthropological Association)
ASAO (Association of Social Anthropologists in Oceania)
DGV (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde)
Esfo (European Society of Oceanists)
SEG (Schweizer Ethnologische Gesellschaft)